

Almost as soon as the drama was done, he went up to write some more. Why? Would nothing stop a day's writing? Why not, should nothing stop that? Why did he write three words when no writing was necessary then? Why didn't he act when to an observer he was not acting and to himself he was suspending the possibility of acting? It wasn't as if, had he not acted someone would have died but the possibility was greater than usual and of course there is always that possibility but anyway he did not act and nobody died. Forget possibility, the fact that he thought about acting but didn't was bad in himself. What if something happened while walking? The worst would be if it happened to him and he couldn't write.

He equates writing and walking.

So, is he allowing writing to infect his every move, or is his every move always writing and acting, and if he is always thinking, then is it not better than to suspend the possibility of acting while not acting, to act?

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